Friday, December 30, 2016 - 11:38

December consumption has increased / Counter desks open on January 4th and January 5th

Elektroprivreda Crne Gore has recorded substantially increased consumption of electricity during the second half of December.

Compared to November, consumption of electricity has been increased by 24%, i.e. it has been increased by 8% relative to December of the last year. The maximum daily consumption of 9072 MWh was accomplished on December 21st.

Counter desks of EPCG will not be open on New Year and Christmas holidays, and on January 4th and January 5th they will be open during regular working hours. All counter desks will be open by 11 a.m. on Saturday, December 31st. Info-punkt in Delta will be open during regular working hours of this shopping centre. Automated answering service will be available to our customers by January 9th via dialling toll-free number 19100 from all fixed and mobile phone networks in Montenegro.