Thursday, March 31, 2011 - 12:00

Children from the "Mladost" center from Bijela visited HPP "Piva"

Worthy anniversary - 35 years of successful work of HPP “Piva” has been enriched by the presence of children from the "Mladost" center from Bijela. Fifteen children within one day trip visited the grandiose power facility, and a magnificent monument of our medieval history, monastery “Piva”, and the event in Pluzine was also a great opportunity to socialize with their friends from elementary school “Braca Topalovic” that exists within the education center in Pluzine.

EPCG’s representative and organizer of this extraordinary journey, Filip Vojinovic handed them the gift of the Company - an interesting publication, "My country - Montenegro”, and trough history, the present moment and technical characteristics of HPP “Piva” lead them the team of friendly guides, Stevan Draskovic, leader of the shift and Misko Lalatovic, the operator of the plant.

Ceremonial atmosphere at the hydroelectric plant has influenced the young visitors who were impressed by the knowledge that they are part of the important date for the EPCG. Perhaps, when they return to their dorm rooms, they will not remember all the technical information they have heard, but will certainly remember the good will and strong emotions with which they were all admitted.

Passing on her impressions, a longtime educator and Assistant Director of the “Mladost” center Slavica IIic, did not hide her satisfaction with the fact that children, deprived of parental love and care, spent the first day of their spring holidays on beautiful and useful road trip, which has had the character of educational workshop.

“I am especially pleased that here are the children who do not leave the Center very often, because they have nowhere to go, so this was a memorable experience for them and for us, educators, and I believe for our kind hosts, who have allowed us an unusual opportunity. Those of us, who take care of the children, are pleasantly surprised, as well and the children themselves”, concluded Mrs. Ilic.