Pursuant to the Decision of ERA dated December 28th, 2017, the calculation of contracted power shall apply as of January 1st, 2018.
Contracted power:
Contracted power means the planned final customer’s peak power, which equals or is lower compared to the connective power referred to in the consent for connection.
Recorded power (the achieved peak power):
Recorded power, respectively achieved peak power is a maximum recorded mean active power during a 15 minute demand intervals, in a billing month.
Defining of contracted power
Customers, whereat the power is recorded, shall sign with CEDIS a Contract on connection to electricity distribution system, wherein shall be defined the relation between the distribution system operator and the customer regarding the point of connection as well as contracted powers on a monthly level. The contracted power shall be defined once in a year, for each month individually!
Upon signing the Contract on connection, the customer shall submit to the Supplier a Request for signing of Contract on electricity supply defining therein electricity delivery and quantity of contracted power on a monthly level.
The Supplier shall deliver to customers the electricity quantity defined under the Contract on supply with ± 30% allowed deviation, observing thereby the power contracted and defined in the Contract on connection.
Billing of active energy
The present practice will be continued in terms of billing of electricity, while billing of contracted parameters deviations shall be applied after publication of the Decision on billing of contracted parameters deviations, on an internet page of the Supplier.
Billing of the contracted peak power
Pursuant to Article 21 of the Methodology for determining the regulatory allowed revenue and prices for use of electricity distribution system and Article 42c of Amendment to the Methodology determining the regulatory allowed revenue and prices for use of electricity distribution system, in terms of distribution system users connected to the respective voltage level i.e. in terms of the contracted power:
- if the contracted power is within the allowed deviations frame,
- if the contracted power is higher compared to the contracted one,
- if the contracted power lower than contracted one,
Correction of actual peak power in the period of lower tariff
in terms of calculation, peak power calculated in the period of lower daily tariff shall be adjusted by factor of consumption of an annual diagram B realized in the year preceding the year in which the request has been submitted,
In case the corrected power is lower than maximum power recorded in the period of higher daily tariff, the power recorded in higher daily tariff shall be used for billing purposes.
Allowed contracted power deviations
According to the Contract on connection and the Methodology on regulatory allowed revenue and prices for use of electricity distribution system the value of allowed deviation is set from -30% up to +30%.
If the distribution system user overtakes power within the allowed deviation limits from -30% up to +30%, i.e. if the recorded peak power ranges between 70% and 130% compared to the Contracted power, the customer shall receive a bill whereat will be presented his actual consumption
Example 1: The customer has contracted a power of 100 (kW) whereas the achieved peak power equalled to 91 (kW) i.e. 91% compared to the contracted power. The achieved peak power is lower by 9% compared to the contracted power which means that it falls amongst the allowed deviations (-30% to +30%) and in such case the customer will be billed the actual power quantity i.e. 91 (kW).
The bill will contain the following:
12 Network capacity use:
12.1 Actual peak power 91
12.2 Positive deviation
12.3 Negative deviation
Example No. 2: The customer has contracted the power of 100 (kW) whereas the actual peak power equalled 104 (kW) i.e. 104% of the contracted power. The actual peak power exceeds the contracted power by 4% which means that it falls amongst the allowed deviations (-30% to +30%) and in this case, the customer will be billed the actual power quantity i.e. 104 (kW).
The bill will contain the following:
12 Network capacity use:
12.1 Actual peak power 104
12.2 Positive deviation
12.3 Negative deviation
Deviation from contracted power – positive / negative
Should the distribution system user take power outside the scope of the allowed deviation (-30% to +30%), the power will be calculated as follows:
Positive – deviation from the contracted power
Should the Customer take energy with power exceeding the contracted power taking into account the allowed deviation, i.e. difference between actually recorded maximum power and the contracted power with the allowed deviation, the Supplier shall bill the excessive power in double amount.
Example: the customer has contracted power of 100 (kW), while the maximum realised peak power stands at 150 (kW), i.e. 50 (kW) more than contracted;
Calculation of the deviation power:
Recorded – (contracted + 30% allowed deviation of the contracted power) =
150 – (100 contracted power + 30% allowed deviation of the contracted power) =
150 – (100 + 30) = 150-130 =20 (kW).
In this case, the customer will be billed as follows:
(Contracted power + allowed deviation) + (power taken exceeding the scope of the allowed deviation x 2)
Billing = (100+30) + (20 x 2 ) = 130+40 = 170 (kW)
Instead of the actual peak power of 150 kW, the customer will be billed the contracted power with the allowed deviation (130 kW) increased by double value of the deviation power (40kW) which in this case totals to 170 kW.
The bill will contain the following:
12 Network capacity use
12.1 Actual peak power 130
12.2 Positive deviation 40
12.3 Negative deviation
Negative – deviation of the contracted power
Should the customer take energy with the power lower than the contracted one, taking into account the allowed deviations, the power will be billed at the level of the contracted power with the allowed deviations.
Example: The customer has contracted 100 (kW) while the actual peak power equals 60 (kW), i.e. 40% less than the contracted power which means that it falls outside the scope of the allowed deviation (-30% to +30%). In this case, the customer will be billed the power at the level of the contracted power combined with the allowed deviations:
Billing= Contracted power – 30% allowed deviation falling below the contracted power)
= 70% of the Contracted power = 70 (kW)
Instead of the actual peak power of 60 (kW), the customer will be billed 70 (kW), i.e. 10 (kW) more than the actual power!
The bill will contain the following:
12 Network capacity use
12.1 Actual peak power 60
12.2 Positive deviation
12.3 Negative deviation 10
Customers’ complaints against the bill – penalisation of deviations from the contracted power
Acceptance and resolving of complaints shall be done in line with the applicable Procedure for acceptance and resolving of the complaints submitted by customers connected to the distribution system.
Public Invitation for EPCG-Željezara Nikšić